Thursday  16.05.2024

  +420 483 312 741


Weather in Jablonec n/N

giweather joomla module


b_140_187_16777215_0_0_images_Silvestr_P1010902.JPGPhoto Gallery of New Year's Eve 2013/2014 winkb_140_187_16777215_0_0_images_Silvestr_P1010844.JPG

Already now we can look forward to spending next year.

As we mentioned, did not missing firework and raffle, where was played on the main win - 3D camera.


Party was amazing, both domestic and foreign clients were very satisfied. The magician was a surprise for thi clients and its performance is need to be commended.

b_140_187_16777215_0_0_images_Silvestr_PC310825.JPGThe tables groaned under the weight of goodies andb_170_128_16777215_0_0_images_Silvestr_PC310782.JPG did not miss the New Year's drink. Fireworks lighted up from the roof of the hotel a little after midnight and it was really to see. Luck of the draw standed by the Citizens from Jablonec, surely he shoots 3D video at lightning speed.